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The importance of warm-up exercises in outdoor fitness


Some reason for people warm-up exercises in outdoor fitness
The importance of warm-up exercises in outdoor fitness
Outdoor fitness equipment is now used in more and more communities and villages, but outdoor fitness equipment manufacturers remind everyone to use it scientifically, otherwise it is counterproductive. In order to achieve fitness purposes, it is especially necessary to do some warm-up exercises.
When mentioning the warm-up before exercise, many people think of such actions as stretching, kicking, and bending.
Someone asked, is it really important to warm up? Why do we spend time doing it every time? There is a saying that existence is reasonable, and the existence of a thing must have its reasonableness, although there are also some fallacies that have been proven to be passed on to others.
Let's explore the necessity of warming up together.

In fact, the warm-up exercise refers to the preparatory activities performed before a certain exercise. For example, a warm-up before a basketball game; you need to warm up before you take a physical class. If you don't warm up enough before doing some aerobic exercise or strength training, you may be prone to sprains, discomfort or muscle strain during exercise.


Adequate warm-up exercises can have some effect on our exercise system. Make our heart beat faster, the temperature rises, the muscles reach a certain elasticity, and the speed of muscle reflexes and contractions reaches a certain level. This can effectively prevent our muscle strain and make the exercise process smoother.


First of all, we can personally feel the changes: increased body temperature, smoother joint movements, etc. Because warm-up exercises can increase the temperature of our telangiectasias, so that we can still supply enough oxygen to the body even during strenuous exercise.

Secondly, a proper amount of warm-up exercise can also make our joints secrete more lubricating fluid, which can effectively avoid injury. For example, the purpose of warm-up exercises such as shoulder or knee joints that we used to do before ironing is so that we can do various push-pulls next, the squat movement is smoother and smoother, and it is not easy for joints to pop.

Finally, warming up can also improve the flexibility of our tendons and prevent ligament strain.


The warm-up exercise meets the human body's need for oxygen by increasing body temperature, accelerating blood flow, and increasing the blood supply of the heart, which is conducive to obtaining sufficient oxygen supply during the activity. At the same time, warm-up exercises are also very important for our nervous system. With the right amount of exercise, the brain's response can be better improved. When the cerebral cortex is always in an excited state, it can improve the body's attention during exercise and can effectively prevent emergencies during exercise. In addition, through a moderate amount of warm-up exercises, you can also effectively alleviate the psychological tension and other issues before the game.


Conversely, if you don't warm up before you exercise, and you suddenly enter the state of exercise, your body will also show obvious resistance.


Because when the body is suddenly overburdened, it is easy for the nervous system to malfunction in the regulation of body organs. Such as the more common emergencies: sudden emergence of dizziness, dizziness, shock, abdominal pain, muscle strain and other conditions during exercise, sports shock may occur in severe cases.


In fact, this principle is similar to the situation where after a violent marathon race, you suddenly stop to rest, or sit down and rest, resulting in shock. Because after a long period of exercise, the human body suddenly stops the exercise, which will make it difficult for all parts of the body to accept it suddenly, and it is easy to produce dangerous phenomena.


Therefore, warming up before exercise is very useful and necessary. If you warm up well before exercise, you can avoid sudden problems during most sports.

However, it should be noted that during the warm-up exercise, do not exercise vigorously to consume a large amount of physical strength, otherwise, it is easy to produce fatigue during the formal exercise. The content and arrangement of the warm-up must be targeted, comprehensive and reasonable, so that you can better put you into the process of exercise.